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How I can help you

I’m passionate about helping people overcome obstacles and gaining the tools they need to succeed. I've worked as a therapist for 5 years, assisting people in gaining strength, skill, and awareness to face adversity. My professional background and personality are geared toward encouraging, practical, and creative teamwork.

Combining Cognitive Behavioural Therapies and Experiential, Mindfulness-based techniques brings out the best in people, in my experience. It promotes rapid improvement and provides both immediate and long-term advantages.

I am a firm believer in achieving productive results while also supporting your overall well-being. I can assist you in achieving this healthy balance.

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آمل أن ترتكب أخطاء في السنة القادمة. أن ترتكب الأخطاء، لأنك إذا اقترفت أخطاءً، فانت تقوم بأشياء جديدة، وتجرب أشياء جديدة، تتعلم، تعیش، تدفع بنفسك للأمام، تغير نفسك، وتغير عالمك، أنت تقوم بأشياء لم تفعلها من قبل، والأهم، أنك تفعل شيئًا! 

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